Martin Art Gallery

Martin Art GalleryHeinrich Aldegrever
(German, 1502-1555)
Martin Luther, 1540

In the tradition of Albrecht Durer, Heinrich Aldegrever was a successful painter, engraver, and etcher who assimilated the forms of the Renaissance in Germany. His small scale engravings have a gothic sensibility and attention to detail. The influence of the Italian Renaissance artists on Aldegrever is evident in his work, Martin Luther from the college’s permanent collection. This etching of Luther is a representative sample of the mature style of this German master. Gifted to the college in 1967 by the local alumni association, the print was offered to the college to commemorate the 450th anniversary of the Reformation.

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Contact Information

Martin Art Gallery

Address Muhlenberg College Martin Art Baker Center for the Arts 2400 Chew Street Allentown, PA 18104